Neuter/Spay Assistance
The Wells County Neuter/Spay Assistance Fund provides financial assistance for eligible Wells County residents to have their dogs and/or cats spayed or neutered.

1. Pet owner residing in Wells County, Indiana
2.Enrolled in one or more of the following public assistance programs:
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF);
Medicaid Disability;
Food Stamps;
Community & Family Services assistance programs;
Medicare (this program is to include the senior citizen population); or
Individuals with annual incomes up to $12,000 may qualify; couples with annual incomes up to $17,000 may qualify; a family of four with an annual income of $26,000 may qualify.
Application process:
Vouchers are distributed at the Foundation office: 222 W. Market Street in Bluffton
Participants shall be required to make a $10 co-payment (cash or money order) at the time the voucher is distributed. The $10 will be placed in the Wells County Neuter/Spay Assistance Fund;
Six (6) vouchers per recipient/per year will be permitted;
The voucher program shall provide for the cost to have your dog/cat spayed or neutered, as well as any core vaccinations which may be required by the veterinarian’s office to admit the pet to the clinic for surgery. Any fees other than required vaccinations and sterilization will be the responsibility of the pet owner; and
Vouchers will have a 30-day expiration date.
You may use the voucher at the following veterinarian offices:
Bluffton Animal Clinic, 260-824-0924;
Smith Vet Hospital in Berne, 260-589-2460;
Swiss City Vet Clinic in Berne, 260-589-3180;
Riverside Veterinary Clinic in Warren, 260-375-2255;
IMPORTANT: Please inform the veterinary office at the time you make the appointment that you are using a Foundation voucher. We recommend that you discuss charges that you may incur beyond the sterilization and vaccinations with the veterinary clinic while scheduling your appointment.
Contact the Foundation with any questions.